iPhone Sparkler Photography

Not everyone has access to a high-end camera.  Can you take sparkler photos that look good with your iPhone?  Fortunately, with a few tricks, you can take beautiful sparkler photos with your iPhone.  Below we will detail the basics.


Standard settings will not cut it with sparkler photos.  You will need to manipulate ISO, shutter speed and aperture manually.  You will also need a recent iPhone model (11 or higher).  You should be able to use the live mode in your camera to capture sparkler photos.  Adjust the shutter speed to 1-3 seconds and set the ISO between 100 and 400.  Run some tests with some different settings in this range and see what you prefer. You will also need a tripod.  The camera needs to remain completely still or the images will blur.  Long exposure is also incredibly important in sparkler photography.  Most newer iPhones will have a built-in long exposure setting, however there are also other apps to help with this.  Adjust the shutter speed to about 15 seconds.

Getting the Shot

Choose a dark environment so that the light of the sparklers stands out. Chose a shot that makes the sparklers the focal point. Make sure that you light the sparklers safely and keep them away from all flammable materials.


Use your iPhones editing tools or apps to edit your photo.  Adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation.  You can also experiment with filters to add another touch to your photos.