Sparkler Safety

It is very important to make sure that you are using sparklers correctly and safely, when performing your dazzling sparkler sendoff.  Below we will list some of the best ways to stay safe throughout your enjoyable evening.


First thing, make sure that your venue allows sparklers. Not all venues are sparkler friendly. Second, check if they have a size requirement. Some venues will not allow 36” sparklers. They prefer the 20” Sparklers.

Sparkler Type

Make sure that you are buying high quality sparklers from a reputable vendor.  You will also need to check with the venue to see if they have any size requirements. The size of the sparklers you buy may depend on the amount of room you have, how long you want your sendoff to last for and how many people will be participating.

Who’s In Charge?

Make sure you designate a person to be in charge come sparkler time! This can be a groomsman, bridesmaid, photographer, wedding planner or really anyone. Make sure the person is responsible and not intoxicated. They will oversee getting everyone lined up and making sure that all the sparklers are ignited in a timely and safe fashion.

Lighting the Sparklers

Lighting the sparklers in a timely and organized fashion is one of the most integral parts of a successful sparkler sendoff. We suggest using a torch to light your sparklers. Other options would be a grill lighter or a standard lighter. We would never suggest using a match or candle to light sparklers as it is rather unreliable. The best way to light your sparklers is to split up into smaller groups. Have the person with the torch go to each group and light one sparkler. Then those lit sparklers can be used to light the other sparklers in the small group. A lit sparkler will light an unlit sparkler almost instantly. Once everyone has their sparklers lit, they can proceed to line up and the procession can begin. We would also like to emphasize that only one sparkler should be ignited at a time.

Holding the Sparklers

Make sure that you hold the sparklers at arm’s length away from face, body, clothing, and other flammable materials. Also make sure you are aware of who is around you and do not wave the sparklers around or touch them to anything.

The Exit

Once the sparklers are lit, you can proceed to line up for the sendoff. Line up in parallel lines making sure there is enough room for the bride and groom to pass through clear of the sparklers.

Disposing Sparklers

Now that your wedding exit is complete, the sparklers will still be hot and dangerous. Make sure that you have buckets of sand or water set up for people to place their sparklers into. After they are cooled you can place them directly in the trash.